May 29, 2006

ball chasing

"cause these are the days worth living
these are the years worth giving
these are the moments
these are the times
lets make the best time of our livvveeeessssss!"
-This is my current fave song our lives- the calling.

Went to Hwa Chong soccer today. It was kind of a culture shock for me. Firstly, the training was really REALLY slack. It was like an own time own target thing. Tamtam would slaughter them and eat them for dessert.

There was this guy, i think he's like the star player or something. then he comes to training late. Then he doesn't participate in the drills or what. Tam will swanton bomb him and then expose him to her five-point exploding palm technique folllowed by the slay-dragon-skip-butterfly- dance-pond kick should he be in nj. But really i dun blame him. Cause like no form of punishment in place anyway. and the drills are kinda boring.

Played in a 7 a side match today. Played like shit but i really enjoyed myself. But i realise my fitness is vvvvvv bad. barely lasted one half. Like that play A division sure die one. Need to work harder. As the Olympic motto says "Citius, Altius, Fortius" which basically means faster, higher stronger. I need to train.

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